The members at the SGM passed both of the recommended resolutions last evening. Thank you all for the thoughtful deliberations, work in reviewing materials and attending meetings and assistance to the board and to those members actively participating in the negotiations and consultations. Thank you to Laurel Giassa for your hard work in organizing the logistics for the meeting and preparing all the formal notices and supporting materials. The discussion at the meeting aired a number of concerns that the members had and that we have discussed over the years. The votes and the comments were very supportive of us and our efforts throughout this long and sometimes frustrating and always complex process. Hopefully the overall process with all community centres will result in a new JOA. Now we can return our focus to the day to day operations of the Association and Centre and the more exciting tasks of working with the public and staff to provide programs and services to be enjoyed by our community.
Thank you as well to staff who helped us organize and run the meeting. Thank you to staff and instructors for your ongoing efforts at providing programs and services without being distracted at the long and sometimes argumentative process of negotiation and consultation.
Gerry Massing
President, DCCA on behalf of the Board of Directors